Jumat, 25 September 2015

An Old Vehicle at The Center of Capital City

Around two days ago i had test at the one of top university in Indonesia. It was located in Central Jakarta. The test was one of the way to make smoething possible.

That was the first time I joined the test and it was felt a little bit puzzle. Actualy i didnt know what the speakers of the test said, but i just wanna try my best to finish the test.

I went there by train and i stopped at Cikini station and then I used kopaja to continue trip, it was looked like a little bus but it was not all. And then after a few minutes i arrived at the place of the test.

When I had finished the test, I went fastly to the station because of the time has pointed out 3 oclock. And it was meant that the train would had been full of people. Without knowing to go to the station i just believe my self. I followed the way and crossed a way. At that time i was asking some one how to get the station from here. And then he said, "you can go there buy bemo to maggarai station. It is only 4000 rupiah."

Definitely i frequently have heard 'bemo' but i dont sure i know how bemo looks like. Hahahaha lol. And then i asked about bemo to the pedlar that selling bakpao. For few moment i think he think 'how rube this girl is, she dont even know how bemo looks like'. But actually i dont care what he thinks about. Because i just wanna get home quickly.

When i have been on bemo i just feel. Oh my gosh this is my first time riding bemo. How pity i am. Live at village fir along time.

But on the way to station i just thinking how funny this country was. Around the way to station there were a lot of high and modern building and also there were a busway and the train but this country still has the old vehicle like this. At that time i just feel like. Oke, it my be the reasin why you must study abroad.

Central Jakarta, September 23th 2015