Selasa, 12 Januari 2016

I wanna be like you

I miss him
Someone that I've ever seen
Someone that I've ever known his physical

I found an interesting song last night
The song told about Rasulullah
And at that time I could feel my heart was missing him

I've lived for 20 years
But I've missed him this much yet
The song was relaxing that made me feel sad and thought about everything I've done for the past

Muhammad is my guide
Muhammad is teacher
Muhammad is my beloved Rasulullah
Muhammad is my friend
Muhammad is my hero
Muhammad is my leader the servant of Allah
Muhammad the wise man beloved of Allah
Muhammad the brief
Muhammad is the one is the sign of the prophet of Allah

I wanna walk like you, talk like you, read my Qur'an
Just like you
Wanna be like you in everything I do
You are the closest to Allah
I wanna smile like you, breath like you, do my shalat
Just like you
Wanna be like you in everything I do
Ya Rasulullah

Muhammad is the light
Muhammad is so gentle
Muhammad the humble
Muhammad is so generous
Muhammad faithful the colsest to Allah
Muhammad the honest